About this group
Welcome to The Hive Worcester - we want to build an earthship and we need your support!
Who are we? We are a registered charity based at Worcester Volunteer Centre that has a mission to build an innovative earthship building in Worcester that will;
- Provide an example of "cutting edge" zero carbon building design to inspire and educate people at both a local and national level, generating its own energy through a range of renewable sources
- Be a centre where young people can meet, be encourage to volunteer and learn new skills
- Act as a sustainable community centre in its local area where people can meet, share and learn together
- Be a community resource and training centre where people of all ages can learn about sustainable living
- Be the first earthship in the world to be constructed in an urban setting
What is an earthship? An earthship is designed to be a self-sustaining building, constructed from recycled materials including car tyres, and utilising natural resources such as the rain and sun for energy through innovative and efficient technologies.
The Worcester Earthship will be sited close to the city centre as part of new housing development and close to the canal. it will comprise of 2 meeting rooms, office, public gallery and cafe space and community gardens with workshop. It will have PV panels, rainwater capture and recycling technologies.
It is intended that young people and those from the local community will be fully involved in designing, building and managing the earthship supportred by a range of professionals. It will give people varied opportunities to learn from new experiences and provide a lasting legacy for the future.
Energy generation? The key design features of the design include tyre walls that act a store for energy as a thermal mass, large south facing windows to maximise solar light and heat, PV panels to generate electricity for our own use and for sale to the grid
Progress so far? We have carried out consultations on the project with a variety of people in our community. There is considerable support for the project. We have run a number of workshops on designs, run a practical earth-ramming weekend, been on trips to the earthship in Brighton, the Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales and the Ecobuild Exhibition. We have started fundraising, set up a blog and website - we have been very busy!!
How much will the building cost? Current estimates suggest the building will cost in the region of £600,000. We have already received a substantial grant from one environmental trust and we are making other applications. However, given the design of the earthship we anticipate substantial savings will be made through the use of volunteer labour in the construction of the tyre walls
Benefits of the project? Acting as an exemplar green community building the Hive will be a centre for youth volunteering, sustainable living training and education and a public facility for the area.
How can you help? We need your support - whether you are interested in fundraising, green buildings or meeting likeminded people, contact The Hive at Worcester Volunteer Centre for more information.
Our website - www.thehiveworcester.org.uk
(name is co-incidental to hive-worcester)
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